Java Websphere Solution

Consoltica, Inc. can provide expertise in the field of Java and J2EE developement, having proven experience at delivering mission critical applications in numerous business sectors. Our custom Java related development experience provides a combination of strong technical background and knowledge of business domains.

Java has emerged as a leading development platform based on its modular, component-oriented architecture. We at Consoltica ensure the highest application quality and shortened development cycles by employing best-in-class Java Development.

Java Development Model and Solutions

Consoltica, Inc. can provide expertise in the field of Java and J2EE developement, having proven experience at delivering mission critical applications in numerous business sectors. Our custom Java related development experience provides a combination of strong technical background and knowledge of business domains. We have completed a number of Java /J2EE platform projects, and some of them are listed below:

  • Web Application Development in Java
  • Java Desktop Software Development
  • Java Development for Mobile Applications
  • Enterprise J2EE Applications
  • Spring Framework based Web Applications
  • Struts MVC Framework based web development
  • B2B Collaboration Systems
  • Hibernate Query Language
  • Java Development Experts

    Consoltica, Inc. has a proven track record of delivering Java based solutions to its clients. We have an extensive portfolio of Java based Web applications and sites and have deployed Java based client/server systems with hundreds of users. Currently many of our projects are delivered on the Java platform.Consoltica's Java developers begin with a minimum of 5 years experience in custom software development and our senior developers and architects over 9 years. You can exploit talent and skills of our Java software engineers to get consultancy, technical advice or another design suggestion.

    Would like to contact us for Java-related solutions or resource?

    Your need for highly reliable and professional IT Experts in Java related modules and technologies ends here, we at Consoltica, Inc. can quickly and effectively provide qualified and experienced experts for the successful completion of your project. We can provide a single consultant or a team of consultants to work on a long or short term basis. Contact us for Java Professionals!

    Websphere Solutions

    Consoltica's WebSphere development services can help you develop and deploy your WebSphere software solution effectively. Leverage Consoltica WebSphere developement and infrastructure services to help you install and configure software, and to address issues such as system administration, security, scalability and availability. Our WebSphere outsourcing, consulting and Training services makes it easy for clients and partners to design, build, test, and deploy WebSphere solutions, helping you to become an on demand business. Consoltica offers technical, product-specific services for WebSphere software products in the following:

  • Consulting Services
  • Development Services
  • Architecture Services
  • Maintenance Services
  • Training Services
  • Outsourcing Services
  • Consoltica has a team of highly qualified J2EE developers with considerable experience in providing enterprise technology solutions based on the IBM WebSphere product family.